Wet Nanometallurgy: Combining Metals at the Nanoscale for a Sustainable Future (2022-T1/IND-23908).
Atracción de Talento Fellowship
Duration: 60 months (04.2023 – 04.2028)
Host Institution: UCM, Spain
Total Funding Amount: 474.653,74 €
Method Development for the Synthesis of Colloidal Multimetallic Nanocrystals (GO 3526/1-1)
Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators Module Grant
Duration: 18 months (Funded: 36 months, 10.2021 – 09.2024 | end: 03.2023).
Funding Agency: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Funding.
Host Institution: University of Konstanz, Germany
Total Funding Amount: 329.050 €
Analytical Ultracentrifugation for Understanding the Role of Cluster Nature in the Seed-Mediated Growth of Noble Metal Nanocrystals
Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdocs
Duration: 24 months (01.2019 – 12.2020)
Funding Agency: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Host: Prof. Helmut Cölfen, University of Konstanz, Germany
Total Funding Amount: 83.280,00 €
Reproducible Synthesis and Assembly of Plasmonic Nanostructures for Theranostics (MAT2013-46101-R)
Formación de Personal Investigador Fellowship (FPI:BES-2014-068972)
Duration: 39 months (04.2015 – 06.2018)
Funding Agency: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
Principal Investigator and Host Institution: Prof. Luis M. Liz-Marzán, CIC biomaGUNE, Spain
Total Funding Amount: 88.400,00 €